Modern Concrete Company
Modern Concrete Company
Modern Concrete Company
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Modern Block & Interlock factories are some of the company’s factories for Modern Concrete Products, which both are new and sophisticated factories from (MASA) German company. Each factory has a high production capacity up to (750,000 m2) interlock pavers OR (2,250,000 Nos.) of hollow blocks (20cm) OR (1,300 Km) Kerbstone (12/15 x30x50 cm) per year. Our Interlock & tiles factories are producing all thicknesses of concrete products starting from (6) cm to (50 cm) and dimensions up to (120 x 120 cm) consist of two layers which can be can be any color required by client. The fully automated production stage starting from concrete stations, where colored concrete can be produced according to the latest advanced methods and design programs for preparation of mixes in the manufacturing stage.

Our company has a specialized laboratory for monitoring and examining all material on a daily basis to inspect any raw materials used in manufacturing process until the final products. They are inspecting: Analysis granular experience, Sandy equivalent, bulk density experiments, experiences pressure and absorption ...ect.

1. Cement content: Upper layer = (500 kg/m3) for all types & deferent strengths. 2. Water to cement ratio: (0.32 - 0.35). 3. Tolerances according to Egyptian standards and the European standards. 4. Thickness of upper layer (7) mm to 10 mm. 5. Strength = (350 to 700) kg/cm2 According to the strength required. 6. Absorption rate less than (5%) 7. Density ranging from (2200 to 2400) kg / m 3 8. Colors of the ratio (2% to 6%) of the type Pigment and major international companies.

The strength of the enormous pressure and continued strong vibration during production stage gives products a quality and high density. The curing process takes place in giant champers which thermally insulated and equipped with turbine fans to distribute the heat in all rooms equally, this curing process is very important for all products after the manufacturing stage, which is done Automatically and pre-programmed. All products are cured in main Champers, stored on suitable wooden pallets, then wrapped by Stretch nylon to save them from various weather factors. Our choice of raw materials (such as: dolomite materials and Siliceous natural and pure sand) in addition to the materials sieves, which sorts and refines materials to produce a high quality for our products. Also, the supervision of our team of engineers, qualified technicians and skilled workers makes us as pioneers in our field.

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